In Just Virtual ( werden die 20 interessantesten Orte in Second Life aufgelistet, so wie es der Autor sieht. (10.09.2015 Hinweis: Der Link existiert nicht mehr.)
Nun gut, schauen wir uns mal den ersten Ort auf der Liste an: Black Library,
Als ich dort ankam, unterhielten sich gerade drei Frauen über Schuhe … schmunzelt nicht, war wirklich so!
Die ganze Library ist eine Art dreidimensionale Startseite für verschiedene Ressourcen im Internet, vor allem Artikel. Das moderne Gebäude hat große Glasfassaden und ist innen sehr geräumig und hell gestaltet.
Gleich hinter der Eingangstür stößt man auf etwas Einzigartiges, nämlich ein großes Hologramm in Form eines Mannes, das durch Berührung aktiviert werden kann. Wenn man möchte, kann man sich dann die gesamte Library von einem schwebenden Roboter zeigen und erklären lassen. Das habe ich natürlich gemacht. Hier seine – manchmal etwas launigen – Erklärungen:
[13:15] Tour Guide: Tour guide initialising. Please wait.
[13:16] Tour Guide: Hello, I’m your _blacklibrary Tour Guide.
[13:16] Tour Guide: Let’s begin in the gallery.
[13:16] Tour Guide: Click me to continue.
[13:16] Tour Guide: The gallery is representative of the „_blackarts“ section of
[13:16] Tour Guide: It deals with original graphic work
[13:16] Tour Guide: and thanks to Robin Winter’s contribution, also real-world sculpture.
[13:16] Tour Guide: Robin’s sculpture also has the distinction
[13:16] Tour Guide: of being the first piece of content
[13:17] Tour Guide: to be added to the website
[13:17] Tour Guide: originally sourced from within Second Life.
[13:17] Tour Guide: As well as stand-alone pieces
[13:17] Tour Guide: we also have webcomics
[13:17] Tour Guide: bringing together two of the _blacklibrary’s major interests,
[13:17] Tour Guide: graphics and writing.
[13:17] Tour Guide: This is one area in particular in which we hope to expand _blackarts in 2006.
[13:17] Tour Guide: Click me to continue.
[13:18] Tour Guide: To further the analogy of the _blacklibrary
[13:18] Tour Guide: as an alternative mirror for
[13:18] Tour Guide: these poster boards represent
[13:18] Tour Guide: what might be though of as ’sidebar‘ links.
[13:18] Tour Guide: Each of these links to sites we like and the sites of friends.
[13:18] Tour Guide: Sometimes even both…
[13:18] Tour Guide: Click me to continue.
[13:19] Tour Guide: On this floor are the main archives.
[13:19] Tour Guide: We’ll go once around the perimeter
[13:19] Tour Guide: and I’ll off you a brief explanation of each section.
[13:19] Tour Guide: Each of the books you will see are clickable objects
[13:19] Tour Guide: that will launch an external browser
[13:19] Tour Guide: and load the articles in question.
[13:19] Tour Guide: Please don’t feel the need to read everything during the tour,
[13:19] Tour Guide: you’re always welcome to come back
[13:19] Tour Guide: and peruse the content at your leisure.
[13:19] Tour Guide: Click me to continue.
[13:20] Tour Guide: _blackbook is the fictional writing section.
[13:20] Tour Guide: Each of these books links to a short story
[13:20] Tour Guide: or a chapter in an ongoing series by one of the _blacklibrary authors.
[13:20] Tour Guide: Click me to continue.
[13:20] Tour Guide: The _blacknoise section deals with
[13:20] Tour Guide: the audible contributions to
[13:20] Tour Guide: Here we have experimental music
[13:20] Tour Guide: courtesy of a number of performers.
[13:20] Tour Guide: And also an audio play by Alexander Cavell and company.
[13:20] Tour Guide: Click me to continue.
[13:21] Tour Guide: The World Time Globe was kindly donated to the the _blacklibrary
[13:21] Tour Guide: by Blueman Steele and Jendan Marrat.
[13:21] Tour Guide: It is scripted to keep rotation
[13:21] Tour Guide: at the same speed as the Earth.
[13:21] Tour Guide: And so the day and night cycle
[13:21] Tour Guide: is approximately accurate.
[13:21] Tour Guide: Blueman and Jendan have plans for an upgrade
[13:21] Tour Guide: that will take into account
[13:21] Tour Guide: the axial tilt of the seasons.
[13:21] Tour Guide: Click me to continue.
[13:22] Tour Guide: _blackbox is the website’s non-fiction writing collection.
[13:22] Tour Guide: It’s also the most extensive section to date, as you can see.
[13:22] Tour Guide: Each of the books here links to an article on the website.
[13:22] Tour Guide: The themes are varied and many,
[13:22] Tour Guide: from deeply personal accounts of events in the author’s lives,
[13:22] Tour Guide: to lighter journals of videogaming experiences.
[13:22] Tour Guide: Click me to continue.
[13:23] Tour Guide: We’ll return to the ground floor to continue the tour.
[13:23] Tour Guide: Amongst the things still to see
[13:23] Tour Guide: is the _blacklibrary’s Theatre and the Blackbored bar.
[13:23] Tour Guide: Click me to continue.
[13:23] Tour Guide: The Theatre is an experimental area
[13:23] Tour Guide: in which we hope to bring together
[13:23] Tour Guide: the other disciplines of the library
[13:23] Tour Guide: writing, audio, artwork, and use the unique nature of Second Life
[13:23] Tour Guide: to explore methods of presenting new artwork
[13:24] Tour Guide: and material of an educational nature.
[13:24] Tour Guide: Click me to continue.
[13:24] Tour Guide: The Theatre currently holds one presentation
[13:24] Tour Guide: as a proof of concept.
[13:24] Tour Guide: Based on the famous astronomical site
[13:24] Tour Guide: at,
[13:24] Tour Guide: it draws on the work of William A. Arnett to describe
[13:24] Tour Guide: the main features, history and some speculation
[13:24] Tour Guide: about each of the planets in our solar system.
[13:24] Tour Guide: It’s main purpose is to explore the presentation potential
[13:25] Tour Guide: of the Second Life technology
[13:25] Tour Guide: You can view the presentation at any time
[13:25] Tour Guide: by clicking the picture button on the wall here.
[13:25] Tour Guide: You can clear a running presentation by clicking the red button.
[13:25] Tour Guide: The entire presentation lasts about an hour
[13:25] Tour Guide: and I’ll probably time out long before then,
[13:25] Tour Guide: so let’s get along
[13:25] Tour Guide: and you can view the whole thing later, should you so wish.
[13:25] Tour Guide: Click me to continue.
[13:26] Tour Guide: NaNoWriMo is an abbreviation of National Novel Writing Month.
[13:26] Tour Guide: This year the _blacklibrary had 14 entrants and three winners
[13:26] Tour Guide: who managed to meet the quota of 50,000 words written in 30 days.
[13:26] Tour Guide: Congratulations to:
[13:26] Tour Guide: Jeffrey Gomez
[13:26] Tour Guide: nothingspecific (aka Ben Hoyle)
[13:26] Tour Guide: and Sweetybearbaby
[13:26] Tour Guide: Click me to continue.
[13:26] Tour Guide: The _blackjack wing isthe most recently developed area of the _blacklibrary
[13:26] Tour Guide: It takes the form of a kind of pseudo-arcade,
[13:26] Tour Guide: chronicling independent, art-themed and
[13:26] Tour Guide: ’serious‘ videogame projects.
[13:26] Tour Guide: Click me to continue.
[13:27] Tour Guide: This the library’s Infonet terminal.
[13:27] Tour Guide: Infonet’s creator, Squagmire Stravinsky, kindly donated the terminal
[13:27] Tour Guide: not long after we first began to build the library.
[13:27] Tour Guide: Through it you can access a network of information
[13:27] Tour Guide: about all kinds of fascinating places inside Second Life.
[13:27] Tour Guide: Squagmire is particularly supportive of non-commercial and
[13:27] Tour Guide: educational interests, such as the _blacklibrary,
[13:27] Tour Guide: ensuring there is at least one method of
[13:27] Tour Guide: reaching those places for visitors who are interested.
[13:27] Tour Guide: Click me to continue.
[13:28] Tour Guide: We’ll end at the Blackbored bar.
[13:28] Tour Guide: This area represents the website’s message board,
[13:28] Tour Guide: also called the Blackbored.
[13:28] Tour Guide: You’ll often find library members here,
[13:28] Tour Guide: mainly it’s for socialisng and putting the world to rights.
[13:28] Tour Guide: Just like a real bar then, except the drinks are cheaper.
[13:28] Tour Guide: The pictures on the walls show some of the more interesting places on the grid.
[13:28] Tour Guide: Click one to get a landmark to that location.
[13:28] Tour Guide: This concludes the tour, if you have any questions
[13:28] Tour Guide: please feel free to IM Wandering Yaffle.
[13:28] Tour Guide: Remember, we always look at submissions
[13:28] Tour Guide: to any of the _blacklibrary’s areas of interest.
[13:28] Tour Guide: Click me to continue.
[13:29] Tour Guide: This concludes the tour. Terminating.
DIe Führung war eine wundervolle Idee und toll umgesetzt. Das Theater war aber noch beeindruckender. Eine sehr intensive Multimedia-Show. Die Erklärungen waren zwar im Augenblick nur in schriftlicher Form per Chat, aber wer weiß, ob da nicht noch was kommt. Das Team bezeichnet das Theater als noch experimentell.
Bei den Spielautomaten habe ich Vögel zwitschern gehört! Die Lösung für das Rätsel ist der kleine Dachgarten, in dem sich ein kleiner Eichelhäher an einem Brunnen niedergelassen hat.
Die Library ist ein interessanter technologischer Ansatz, um Ressourcen im Internet mit SL zu verbinden. Die Inhalte selber sind aber nur etwas für an Kunst Interessierte.